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Sarah Ho Online Sample Sale - Up to 70% off

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Sarah Ho Online Sale – up to 70% off on luxury jewellery including rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and bangles at the Showcase online store.

VIP Access:
Thu 14th Dec 2023, 08.00 – Midnight

Priority Access:
Thu 14th Dec 2023, 09:00 – 11:00

General Access:
Thu 14th Dec 2023, 11:00 – Midnight

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Sarah Ho is an award-winning British Fine jewellery designer creating sustainable bold and colourful jewels. Sarah combines responsibly sourced materials, including antique gemstones and pearls with new modern production techniques in contemporary vibrant jewellery designs. The one-of-a-kind jewels can be privately viewed by appointment in the brands Mayfair, London showroom. A collaboration with Showcase celebrates pieces from Sarah Ho London’s archive.